My kinda game
The two main characters, the prince and princess (Elika), work so well! Starting off kinda quiet, Elika really grows on you and at times outshines the prince. [Oh ya. I'm pretty sure it never said the prince's name so I'm just calling him prince]. Dealing with gods and darkness/demons/whatever they are is not a bad touch.
The story's really cool. It really reminds me of Pokémon: Gale of Darkness, That the name? Anyway, world's gone to darkness, must go to the sacred ground in each area and heal it. That's when the exploring and collecting begins. The only collectibles are light seeds. A minimum of 560 (something like that) are needed to finish. 1001 to complete. Upgrades for Elika are unlocked using these.
I had microsoft points left over for a few months and decided what the hay, and bought prologue. Only half way through it. Load of people say it kinda insults the original game. I don't see it! Obviously it's just there to keep fans happy for a while but it is genuinely good!
As a package Prince of Persia is pure awesome! Recommended to anyone with oposable thumbs or skill. 10/10 isn't even doing it justice! First PoP game I played and now I'm counting down to the movie!