Although it can be pretty easy at some points, Prince of Persia is an excellent platforming game in every way possible.
Gameplay: The gameplay is what you would expect from a platformer, jumping, running, climbing, but it somehow does this in a fun and entertaining way. Most of the time you will be running on walls, hanging from ledges and climbing walls with some fun combat mixed in with it all. The controls are fairly simple but hard to get used to, you might accidentally jump too soon from a wall or too late, luckily Elika is there to save you if you fall off a cliff or get killed by an enemy. As for the combat, the X, triangle, circle, and square buttons are all attack buttons and R2 is block. You basically run at an enemy and beat em' up with your sword then you block their attacks and try to time your block right to deflect an enemies attack. Sadly these entertaining battles are very rare between platforming sections.
Graphics/Sound/Music: The graphics are beautiful and the cel-shaded look makes everything look almost like a painting, the sound effects are pretty good the sword clashing sound effect can get a little annoying after a while. The music is nice but nothing too great.
Overall: This game is great in almost every possible way and deserves an 8.5!