The "Almost, but not quite" classification perfectly describes the news Prince.

User Rating: 6.5 | Prince of Persia X360
With a quite silly and quite easy difficulty the new prince is sure to disappoint. This "new" prince was created using an overdone art style. Was he created using clip art, Microsoft paint? We shall never know. This game was made by the same man who made assassin's creed, a slightly difficult action/stealth game. He takes this serious backdrop and ambiance from assassin's creed and ruins it in this excuse for a game. Hell, this looks like one of those common movie game (e.g. Bolt, Wall-E, and Elmo Teaches You Colors) Do they take us for children by giving us this easy piece of junk. Don't waste your money. Also anyone notice this "new" prince looks almost exactly like Ike from the fire emblem series? Wow not only is this disappointing but also not creative. Also look at what hype makes us think of a game, I honestly feel stupid I believed this would be a success.