If discs didn't have such sharp edges I would wipe my butt with this game!! I wanted to love it but I just couldn't....

User Rating: 4 | Prince of Persia X360
I fell in love with the first POP game as soon as I experienced the amazing acrobatics and compelling story on the Super Nintendo. Surprisingly, it only got better with the sequels as the combat greatly improved and the story introduced cool gameplay ideas (Dahaka chases, evil prince, chain swinging with the evil prince etc.)

When I watched the trailers for this current gen POP I crapped my pants. I was so excited that one of my favorite franchises was coming back and better yet it looked like it was back with some fresh ideas (single enemy combat, claw wallrunning, magical partner instead of time travel)

The day this came out I raced to the store with my friend, picked it up and started playing. Instantly I was disappointed by the prince's goofy disposition. His appearance definitely did not fit his voice or his attitude at all which was extremely frustrating. I thought to myself whatever I can change the skin to original prince with the promotional code my friend got for pre ordering the game. I was certain that this would make it at least playable. I was sorely mistaken. The gameplay mechanics were incredibly clunky. The wallrunning didn't have the same realism (look up parkour on youtube if you don't believe it's all humaly possible) from the first because of the claw and it looked and played terrible. I also noticed some annoying camera problems although they were nothing compared to the steaming pile that combat is. I was excited to see what they could do with single enemy combat and I was expecting it to be as punishing as Hard difficulty was on the previous POPs. It was too easy after taking time to master the combat in all the POPs and both Ninja Gaidens it was pathetic.

I will admit that some animations were pretty satisfying but the overall weak gameplay just couldn't keep me hooked. I'll also admit that I didn't actually finish the game because I was too disgusted by it, and from what I've heard the end was decent. I heard that and tried playing again but quickly was frustrated by it's repetitiveness and clunky play and stopped. I'm contemplating the purchase of the old games to play instead : )