ZzzZzzzzzzZZzZzzzZZzzZz....wake me up when we get to the boss.

User Rating: 1 | Prince of Persia PC
This is the most overrated game in gaming's history.
I understand it's the prince of persia and saying it sucks is like saying jesus sucks, but common ! you're not blind are ya ?

This game is a disgrace to prince of persia, the difficulty can fit a 3 year old at best. you can't die ! this is the most stupid idea i've ever heard, how can you NOT die in a game? what's the point ? you'll fight someone for ages and not die only because your sweet 16 companion can do some magic ?
The platforming is so stupid. the same thing all over - jump across the wall, hang on ledge, slide down, climb on vines, hang onto ring, repeat until brain-dead. the idea of collecting light seeds is stupid too. it doesn't reward us with anything other than going to the next level - what is this joke ?? let me get through the next level without having to go back to previous healed locations ! it's not as if it's challenging, it's just a big burden that contributes NOTHING.

The combat is a joke. seriously. it's the lamest combat system i've ever played. 1 enemy at a time, block everything, hit him when he's not hitting you and attemp to perform a "Combo" of 2 moves. jeez.

There are 2 reasons this game got the grade it got -
1. It's graphics
2. The fact that it's prince of persia

One of the most boring games I've ever played.