there's depth to be found behind he simple base of the game

User Rating: 8.5 | Prince of Persia X360
This game is a bit of a new step for a PoP game but it retains the platforming and no rewinding time is replaced by the help of a partner to help you from dieing more on this later.
the look of the game is amazing but the enviroments are a bit empty and like old PoP's it is a tad linear on the how you want to go but this time round you have an orb you can follow so no more not seeing whether you can make that jump or is that a ledge some might say this takes the challange out of it but i like it and plus you dont have to use it.
I like the combat in this game it's less hack and slash and more a dueling mechanic and the thing with this game is you cannot die everytime you plunge to your doom you're female friend will use her magic to save you, this is very useful and i think this should be implemented in every platformer in some form (frequent checkpoints, rewind time etc).
this is a great game to just play it's nothing hard