Carpets This Thick

User Rating: 10 | Prince of Persia X360
The graphics
The cel-shading in this game is a nice twist, not the first game to do it though but a nice change of pace from a lot of the realism we been getting recently. The scenery of the different places you jump from are cool no stone left unturned. You can tell if you can make a jump or not cause of how detailed everything is. There is definitely a lot to see in Persia.

The Gameplay
So heres the kicker. This game got bashed on it's gameplay from other reviewers. The combat is a bit tricky. It can be repetitive if you make it repetitive. You see you can either start out by attacking with your sword or your claw or do something acrobatic. Then when you get your partner she can also attack so your left with a variety of options after you make your first hit. The combos are flashy and you can do a lot of cool moves that make you feel amped that as your playing and you want to move on to the next. The platforming and the climbing is a step up from the older games. You can still do a lot of the old moves like run on walls and climb on poles. Now for some new moves. You can climb on walls to a point and jump off. You can use that claw you got and tread down the wall slower. You can actually also crawl across ceilings to get from different points. This prince is has truely stepped up his game and with his partner she can throw him farther distances to get to where he needs to go. Heres where what I truely love about this game. You can not die. If you miss a jump and you will, she will come save you. Everytime I mean it.

The Story
Sick story. A little generic and already done but it's the diolouge that made this story sick. I mean it was go and cleanse the lands to weaken some evil king and blah. That was not whats important. It's the optional diolouge that occurs through out the story and the cutscenes. They are all entertaining. Everything the prince says is wicked funny and I could not stop laughing . I mean he was wicked retarded with everything he said. Then heres what made it great. An intergrating story and nonlinear. The stages were go as you please so you could go to a certain place then another completly place. And the cutscene wont interfer with each other and you won't be left feeling like you missing something cause they have simple diolouge that intersect but dont interfer. It was pretty sick.

The selling point
A sweet game that is nothing like the previous sequls like the two thrones are whatever. It took a clean slate and worked something brilliant into the mixed giving us something we really liked in the first Prince of Persia for the PS2, It has a lot of replay value cause its a good laugh.