New prince of Persia dose not disappoint (SPOILERS)
The game play is your average Action Adventure/ Platform game nothing special from the last Prince of Persia Trilogy, but it has been done where you only fight one enemy at a time and where Elika helps you with a extended jump, it is fun to play and this key element isn't lost through the game it just dips a little when having to go round previous areas looking for the light seeds to progress to the next fertile grounds.
As mentioned there is a twist to the graphics to this game, it has been done as the artists drew it and that has been put into the graphics and in my opinion it works very well with the game and nicely with the next gen graphics. Its not the most amazing looking game in the market but it dose stand out from the regular graphics games.
The sound of the game was very well made and the soundtrack was awesome. the only flaw i have for it is that why do they sound American when there obviously not American?? apart from that it was perfect.
I liked the way that you learn more about Elika when you are going to the different fertile grounds with a new power and find out that she has already died. Apart from that it is just an average story, big evil trying to escape from an imprisonment, unlikely hero and he meets a girl and they go and save the day.
Value for your cash moneys:
I would say that it is worth a buy but only if you are a Prince of Persia fan if you are new to the whole series i would get it cheap just so you can decide for yourself if you like it and if you don't you wont feel ripped off.