same stuff over and over
This game is horrible! At first all the wall running and jumping through the air is cool. After a few hours and thats all you have done you start to get very bored. Same goes for the fighting! There is only so much that you can do in a fight. If you ever find one! There is hardly any fighting at all in this game and whenever the chance comes up for a fight most of the time you can just end it before it starts. There are no puzzles of any challenge at all! So it truly seems like this is a game just for wall running and acrobats. I have also never played a game where you can not die! There is no dying in this game! If you miss a jump you are saved from doom by your partner. If an enemy over powers you, you are saved again. There is no "game over" and start over from your last check point.
I WAS a big Prince of Persia fan but this game was a huge disappointment.