Was this game worth my score?

User Rating: 8 | Prince of Persia X360
Yes,it was worth my score.Because it has a pretty good story,great platforming levels,cool action sequences.Great combat moves and techniques.But it basically stays true to the platforming of the previous games which makes it good.This time when you fall off of something high instead of dying or using the sands of time.Your partner simply appears infront of you then grabs you before you fall to your doom.Now this one isnt quite as violent as some of the previous titles were.This one got a "T" rating instead of a "M" rating.Which doesnt slow the game down at all this one bases most of its gameplay off the platforming type gameplay.To where previous titles in the series focused al lil more on the action and some on the platforming.This one has action dont get me wrong but the platforming jumping off cliffs and scaling trees kind of thing is where this game shines the most.The graphics are also very impressive making it all the more better than the previous games.The scenary just seems more alive like than in the other games.The feel of the game is more adventure platforming type.So if you liked the first few then you might want to check this one out it doesnt change much from the first few that were made,and the changes that were made were for the better.