well not what I expected at all...

User Rating: 7 | Prince of Persia X360
I have finished this game about 6 months now meaning I dont remember a lot about it...
but thing that I know for sure are:
the story was not bad at all as it was the kind of stories that I like it all about old time false gods and dark side along with the light side which is represented by the girl you are with I dont remember her name.

If the graphics was not made like that and was made like Prince of Persia 3 on PS2 that would have been so much greater too
the graphics had so many flaws in it and the camera was not so good,some times you would get confused with all those jumps and that damn camera...
one thing that made this game so boring was the places you were playing in as they were all replayed over and over with the game going forward and there was no good puzzles to solve like most of the games that we see nowadays.
and there was not a single video to bring some action to the game and show as some great moves.

but one thing that I liked was the boss fights as they were new in compare to the other thongs in the game and you could perform some good moves there but they were not that great too.

so if this game is expensive for you the I say borrow it first :)