Prince of Persia - Flash and Jokes but No Real Story

User Rating: 6.5 | Prince of Persia PS3
Good day ladies and gents.

So I recently finished my first(and likely single) playthrough of Ubisoft Montreal's Prince of Persia.

I enjoyed previous versions of this series on the Playstation 2, and I enjoyed how they evolved from hash and slash into a stealth/mini game sort of series, I even enjoyed this version of the game, but it is not without its faults.

First off, the graphics and story line are very interesting. The world is vast and cool to explore, and very acrobatic in how you move around, which I liked.

What I did not like however was how straight forward the game was. You can use Elika to guide your path if you ever get lost, but other than that its not hard to know exactly where to go.

With your partner Elika saving you all the time, you literally CANNOT DIE. I kind of see how this plays into the game later, but honestly diminishes a persons sense of overall accomplishment I think.

Another problem with this game is that there is nothing else, but the world and Elika to explore. You have your destination(s) and there is really no point in deviating, as you will never find anything more than some hidden Light Seeds. This draws away from the worlds potential vastness I believe.

Another issue I feel is the lack of supporting characters. You have Elika, you see her father from time to time, and the bad guys obviously, but other than that you never encounter any other character, or NPC's. The world is completely void of of beings, aside from a few God's.

Perhaps the creators wanted to world to be empty and dead, but I know personally I would have enjoyed running into some other faces throughout the game.

All in all, Prince of Persia was a god bit of fun, but is really only worth a once through in my opinion, and probably not worth paying top dollar for, especially since it came out 4 years ago roughly.

I give this game a 6.5. All it needed was that little "something extra" and this game really could have been great. But Ubisoft, keep up the good work, even your bad games are still pretty damn good. :)

Take care gamers.

Joshua Coker