Best PC Game That Never Hit American Shores... What Fable should have been!
PM2 starts off asking what you and your daughter’s names and birthday it also asks for your daughters blood type. Now the names seem pretty stander for most games but birthday and blood type? Well both are really important believe it or not; the Birthday determines when you start the game which means you can handicap yourself or power play which I’ll cover a little later, and also your daughter starting stats and general personality. Hers’ blood type will give you bonus stats each mouth like AB will incress her sensitivity by 2 each month while b just decreases stress.
After the questionnaire you will be throw into the story which is quite good a human kingdom has become a sin haven and the gods have had it, they permit the demon prince to have his army march upon the humans and wreak havoc upon them, the human lines break like straws and all seem lost when out of nowhere you show up (Father of the story) you sneak into the demon encampment and duel the prince of darkness. After a few blows it results in you victories but wounded. The Demon Prince retreats and allows the humans to have there peace. The Gods impress by your valor and bravery offer you a gift, a hope for mankind, a daughter of the heavens and it your job to raise her into whatever you like (but they hope you raise her into a position where she can do the kingdom some real good)
So now after that awesome intro the game really begins you're wounded self on some lousy kingdom pension or welfare however you like to see it and your daughter o yeah you have this um demon butler name Cube who trying to help you raise your daughter. From then on you chose your daughter diet, education, and part-time job all of which will affect hers’ stats and relationship with you and others. Heck you can even send into brave adventure... (or suicidal depending how our raise her) out into the wilderness (mountains, desert, forest, and river i'll cover this later on) and for doing all this your daughter may win one of the four events in the harvest festival... yes that right they even have a festival which your daughters will face off against the strongest and brightest girls and boys of the kingdom. The event occurs every September *which is why having your daughter start in summer can be a handicap* and you can participate in one of four events, combat, dance, art, and cooking. And depending on which event you enter you can gain first, second, and sometimes third place prizes.
But wait there more! As Each year passes you will see your daughter grow up from a little grow to a young women which shows the amount of time and detail the developers went thru in this game, heck you can even see her get very chubby and sometimes your daughter as she gets much older shows quite a figure or sometimes she will be flat as a board and if your not happy with your daughter being fat or skinny or being flat you have the ability to change all that if you have deep enough pockets by buying magical items or running into a cool little dude in one of your adventures who can acutally make your daughter taller or shorter. Yes you heard me right there someone who can do that in this game, and he only a drop in the bucket when your traveling, you can run into sometimes hostile orcs, dragons, wolves, and so on which you can slay via old rpg battle system magic, combat, items, and even critical hits. By the way you don't even have to kill them sometimes your daughter depending on hers stats of course can communicate with them and learn some useful information or get some really cool items or treasures are. Also on the other side of the coin there some friendly people out there which will talk to your daughter but if you want to be a #$%$# you can attack them or just plain out rob them and get away with it to a point, sometimes the law will catch up with you and you'll pay a heavy price for it.
The graphics are generally anime pc draw art with a 2nd rpg style adventure system which was pretty good for it time and great for this type of game and as mention above everything progressively changes even the seasons.
The Music and Sound in the game are pretty good but where very aged by the time i got my hands on this little diamond. It mainly consists of old pc midi tunes and clicks when you open a menu or POW! When you attack someone nothing really special nowadays but was decent for back in the day.
Now the best for last, for paying 8 years of game time (which is about 2 hours... which isn't a bad thing you'll find out soon enough) you'll daughter will finally step into the real world by herself and depending on the path you lay out for her she will obtain one of 72 endings... yes that right not 2 not 8 not 10 but 72 endings many with extra text that vary on how your daughters looks or personality has become. Your daughter can become some street performer to the ruling queen. She can marry some merchant, to the prince of the kingdom, Hell she can evil be a common thug or even the Princess of the Underworld! This means this game has unbelievable almount of replay value. This is one of those games that just once you've seen everything this game has to offer, it will throw something else at you. I've spent many months playing this game and still find new stuff.
I strongly recommend anyone who into rpg/adventure game especially those who felt really disappointed with fable because of all the original hype to give this game a try if possible, there even an English beta floating around under abandon ware *but I’ve heard a few of the ending on that beta aren't complete which is a tad disappointing to hear*