When my friend let me start a file, i tought "time to give this game a shot" then i tought "love it"
Prinny Can I Really Be The Hero? Yes prinny my friend,you can...
Difficulty : 9/10
Im not gonna suger coat it,because i never understood that expression.But this game is between "kinda difficult" and "WTF HOW DID I JUST DIE?!" Fortunatly It is also INCREDIBLY addicting so you will be going back for more.(with 999 lives left)
Gameplay 9.5/10
A beatiful(and somewhat evil)platformer that just reminds you of the classics or as my friend says "its like kirby,but more violent and harder".The scenery is really perfect for the levels,which is mostly 2d but occasionally goes 3d,getting to the boss will be hard,but i would hate to play a game where i could get to a boss with one hand,while being barely concentrated.The reason it got a 9.5 is the lack of multiplayer,whether it would be co-op or versus,multiplayer would have made the game even better(id prefer co-op)
Music : 10/10
Ahh,the music...One of the key things to a good game,is the muuusic! Why?Because playing a Harvest Moon game with deathmetal playing in the background,would mess with your mind and screw up the gameplay. The music just sets the mood for every stage,whether its a boss battle or otherwise.
Overall : 28.5/30
28.5 ,it would have gotten 30 if there were more levels and as i said multiplayer. Blazakenki,