prism is a relatively difficult puzzle game for the nintendo ds. it starts off easy but believe me, it gets hard.
here's what you have to do: creatures called glowbos (the things that look like different colored dimsum) are dying. the only thing that can save them is the light from creatures known as bulboids (the things that look like green strawberries). the playing field is further complicated by different devices which may: split the light, change the light's direction, and/or change the light's color. these devices are important because the number of glowbos and bulboids in a playing field are often different (necessitating light splitters), and glowbos can only be healed by a light of a similar color to itself. sounds simple enough, right?
i breezed through puzzles 1-63 in the regular puzzle mode with relative ease. the hint function (only available until puzzle 40) helped, although i only used it a handful of times. puzzle 64 hit me like a ton of bricks; i simply could not solve it. however, puzzles are arranged in groups of eight; as long as you only miss one puzzle you can advance to the next group. i failed to answer puzzle 70 as well, but what stopped me cold were puzzles 76, 77, 79 and 80. i've tried for months to get past this group of eight, but it seems that i am stuck at group 73-80 unless i cheat and look up the solution/s.
unable to continue, i checked the other modes. time attack mode and hyper are similar (adding a time limit). infinite mode sets you up to solve puzzle after puzzle with no discernible end time. i haven't actually tested the multiplayer modes, but from what i understand there are two kind-- competitive and cooperative.
scoring prism: light the way is somewhat problematic because until i hit the wall (group 73-80) i really, really enjoyed playing this game. i didn't mind the lack of visual and sound design, or the lack of imagination when it came to the modes of play. i honestly found the regular puzzle mode challenging and rewarding. bottomline? i'm giving prism: light the way a 7/10. -1.5 for removing the hint function at the puzzle 40 mark (the least the game developers could have done was set up a simple achievement system, for example maybe unlocking a hint coin for every certain number of puzzles solved), -0.5 for lack of unique game modes (even the most original -- the multiplayer -- seems less than engaging), and -1 for lack of presentation. overall a diamond in the rough; hopefully they release a retooled sequel with better features.
(originally posted on my blog: