WHAT?!?! 6?!?! This game deserves a whole lot more. It's one of my personal favorites.
Lets talk graphics. I only got this game a year or so ago. So we already had more powerful graphics than previous hardware was capable of. But the graphiics impressed me nonetheless. Simply amazing. Oh, of course they're not equal to modern gaming. But you have to remember that the game was made for Windows 95. That was years ago, and back then, those graphics were amazing. On any hardware
Gameplay. This is were the game gets it's strength and the majority to it's overall value (again, my opinion, yours may differ), and it does a great job. The game's flying engine is one of the best I've seen ( I must confess that I've never played that many space flight sims before, only aviation simulators). The missions, though at times a bit repetitive, are a lot of fun, and you will find yourself hoping that your favorite ones become available again. The space combat (which happens whether you're on a mission or not), which comprises most of the action, is fun and addictive, and will have you playing for hours at time.
Sound. For a Windows 95 title, this game has some pretty good sound. Each planet has it's own soundtrack, and the basic spaceflight music is acually relaxing (well, a bit). the music gets more intense when you enter combat, which makes the combat feel cooler.
Overall, this is one of my favorite games. I can spend hours at a time playing, and not get bored or tired. Whether it's saving up for the best ship, upgrading your current ride, completing that grueling mission, or just flying around killing random pirates (or law enforcement, If your the outlaw-type gamer), this game simply rocks.