I think Gamespot has has done wrong with this game. 6.8..?!!??! Nope, cannot agree with that.

User Rating: 9 | Privateer 2: The Darkening PC
I think it deserves more than what it got here...
Considering the time it was released, I honestly think this game is a gem in the rough. Sure it is not as polished as you would expect from a game these days, but then again, when it was released, QA was not something that was taken very seriously.
The bugs in this game are definitely tollerable and there are not that many.
This was the first sci-fi sim I have played back on my old 200MHZ pc. That was in 1996-1997. I fell in love with this game. The plot is terrific and immersive. You are trying to find out who you are exactly and how you arrived on this planet. On the way, you get to meet various types of characters, you get missions and it all get much more interesting as you fly along.
The graphics are great, they really are. I am a gamer that cares less for graphics but care a lot for story, plot & development and the "immersiveness" factor. Meaning, how much the game "sucks" you in...
Today, I have a much stronger machine and I can still play it. I have the Windows 95 (Deluxe) version and gladly, it works also on Windows XP. No patches, no 3rd party software is needed. Just install, calibrate your stick and off you go. Maybe I was lucky with this game because old game tend NOT to run on today's PC, but I can't care less. It runs and I am happy with it. I have been playing it through the entire weekend with a wide grin on my face. I really missed this game. The nice FMV's, you get to see some well knows movie actors such as Christopher Walken, Clive Owen, and more. The brutal battles etc...
The fighting itself in space is pretty striaght forward. Of course there are some tactics especially when battling great shuttles. Mainly you have to look forward to upgrading you ship, pronto, and of course it's weaponry and armor. This brings you to the other side of the game which is the commerce. In this game, there is a well developed trading community. There are many planets in the star system and you are free to choose your path. Choose it wisely, or else, you will be loosing money other then making big profits. I for example, just started the game, so I got me a crappy ship and 2 laser guns, 2 missles to go along with them. I have a short trading route, which I use to pump up my bank account. This is how it goes in the beginning. You start small, and then you grow and the big bucks start comin' in.
This game is NOT a no brainer, meaning, that if you wish to succeed in doing money right you have to read some material about the planets, the trading routes, there are news bulletins that inform you of crisis in the start system, that can results in big profits for you.
All in all, the game is very well made. Too bad there is no remake for this game. You know, something that will come on a nice DVD, improved graphics and full screen FMV's.... but that is wishing too much I guess.

Get you hands on this game if you have not done so yet. You will not regret it, and do NOT let the release date alarm you. Remember than Wing Commander 4 is even older, but is considered one of the best space sims yet to be...

Happy flying !!