Most innovative Wii sports game to date!
User Rating: 9 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 WII
This game is absolutely brilliant excelling in nearly every aspect of the game. I'm going to start off with gameplay. While on the offensive, controls are great. It's not as complicated as it looks in those demo-commercials since you really only HAVE to control the player with the ball and the pass receiver if there is one. Controlling any other player is optional and absolutely unnecessary if you don't want to. Shooting necessitates a waggle of the nunchuk and passing is as simple as Point + B. Now on defense it's another story and controls are not as fun since there really is not much control. You click on an opponent player to mark or lightly tackle him and when you are near him you have the option of slide tackling by holding Z and waggling the nunchuk. Graphics are not too bad although I encountered an ingame bug that happens quite often where a line at the bottom of the field gets blurry but once again graphics are acceptable or even good. The presentation is a bit weak, introduction video is amusing but the main menu is neither stylish nor any special although that must be blamed on the number of game modes which is quite low which is the only weak point since the game becomes quite boring but fortunately Champions Road mode has so many tournaments it keeps you going for quite a while. There are all the main leagues except the Premiership of which only some teams are included with most of them unofficial. To conclude this is a fabulous game,great gameplay (except the slightly annoying defense), good graphics and acceptable presentation but that doesn't really matter thankfully since they got all the important stuff right. Hopefully Konami will be handed the rights to create a 2010 World Cup game for Wii, and I wish they had for Euro 2008. Oh and I forgot to mention multiplayer is great fun and I enjoyed played with my own Mii team!