Couldn't this be more flewed ?! It could ? Read here to know.

User Rating: 5.5 | World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 PS3
Lets begin with the wonderful flewness of the game : -
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1 - Graphics : Oh my God ! The lack and the slowness its like playing on a slide show pictures being rendered ! and The background of the stadium was Disastrously, Underscribley awful !! it will really blind you for servral minutes untile it grows on you by the time , but seriously the grass was poorly designed filled with this distinct squares all over it wipped in with random distinctly notable decorated colours.

The players are good looking and acceptable . But seriously the game is graphicly slow and this is the most annoying thing in this game.

Overall , 3/5
2 - Difficulty : Ok! its either i'm a noob or this game has really became so hard in [Top player]-Difficulty ; i'm a huge fan of PES series and i owned all of them but i've never experienced Difficulty like this one ! especially against Barcelona .

Overall , 4/5 (4 cuz its still enjoable)
3 - Gameplay : Oh mama ! Please please ... Konami why this Big,huge,giant and Wide Step back ? Seriously the gameplay had its enjoyment and all, but the accurecey of everything is screwed the *passing , directing positoins of the defenders , *tackling , getting away from the defender ...ect

*Tackling : Oh God ! Evertime a player be behind you = Ball stallen , Period!!
*Passing : Wow , no kidding you have to direct your pass towords the player that you want to pass to or you're just wasting your time passing.
** Dribling : Fun fun fun . and lacks when changging your directoin 60" Degree from your original Directoin ; the ball slips away from you akwordly.

Shooting is ok though. maybe better than ever.

Overall , 2\5
4 - Sound (Commentay) : Crowds + shooting + players shout voices = are Good , But the commentary is just annoying as usual + theres some new adds-on ; like when he screams suddenly when shooting .

Overall, 3.5\5
5 - Game Features\Multiplayer : The replay cut-scenes are just Stupid ! every shoot you shoot they replay it ... just for the sake of the shoot. Normal mutiplayer is just enjoyable as what it used to be, But The online is Just so wrong and lagging is so stressful . I Highly Don't recommend online play.

Overall , 3/5
Not worth Buying if your not a fan of this series ! and Poorly recommended for the fans !