It may be very similar to PES6, but that's not a bad thing.
User Rating: 9.5 | World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 PS2
Many people have said to me in the past that the new PES games are not worth the extra £25 or so each year, simply because nothing changes. And, I do agree that a lack of new features may put some people off, but PES 2008 being very similar to PES6 is exactly what it should be. In my opinion, the previous games in the series have always been nearly spot on when it comes to gameplay, something that FIFA can not match up to. What the game lacks in realism and millions of teams, it makes up with the hours and hours of endless fun you can have building the perfect team with Master League and trying to score the best goals possible. The game has flaws which can be improved upon. Goals are too easy to score at times if you have practiced as long as me so that even on Top Level, I can win most games by 10 goals in a 20 minute match, but the enjoyment factor is still there and I will not hesitate to go out and grab PES 2009 off the shelves when it is released, on PS2 or maybe PS3 as I might be getting lucky this year to finally get the best console ever made! I don't expect the PS2 version to blow me away with new features, but I hope the PS3 version can start answering some of the questions asked by people who don't know whether to buy PES or FIFA. In my opinion, there is no contest.