A Very good attempt to make a fairly decent Footy game....

User Rating: 7 | World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 PS3
I must say, I'm really disappointed, all in all a waste of £40. I was expecting something grand, something amazing - a football game worthy PES's standards and rich history. My expectations were further elevated by a review by IGN - they gave it a great 8/10. When I played the game though, I was mightily disappointed. The first thing you notice is that dribbling is ridiculously easier, which is great for beginners, I suppose, but it feels horrible of the more experienced player. The second thing is that the ball is much lighter which diminishes the feeling of realism. In PES 6,when you passed the ball or hit a shot, you could feel the weight of the ball, which enabled you to tell whether your pass or shot would be successful. In PES 2008 though, this feeling is greatly reduced. That is not to say that gameplay is terrible, because it isn't, but it certainly well below PES's high standards. The music and the commentary is two of the worst aspects of the game. Track list is just horrible and extremely annoying, unless you're a big fan of pap music. The commentary by Jon Champion is bearable but Mark Lawrenson, with his unemotional and uninterested performance, makes it terrible. Don't get me wrong, Mark Lawrenson is so bad that, not only do you know that he is reading a script, but you can also clearly spot commas in individual sentences. Graphically the game looks decent enough when viewing from the default camera (if you can forget about the slowdowns in the frame rate), however when viewing a replay, the graphics become really choppy and rather ugly. One of the worst things is the crowd. While there are some nice cutscenes of the fans waving flags and cheering, in replay view the fans are pixelated 2D shapes that vaguely resemble human beings. You would think that with all that next gen power and capability Konami could have done a better job. Another slightly anoying problem is that, in replay mode or cutscenes if zoomed in, the pitch can be pixelated. Also, for some reason the edit mode has received some cuts. To make things worse, I've discovered that IGN is an official sponsor of PES 2008, so the review that elevated my expectations so much was clearly biased. My best advice is to rent the game before (instead of) buying it. In terms of FIFA v PES, this year it's 1 - 0 to FIFA, and it's an own goal PES.