Konami have ripped the soul out of this game. It saddens me to say.....
The play is so different. Each year, the game had the tweak that kept us coming back for more, but this time there is no tweak, there is a hatchet swipped across the very being of this very average title.
One of my problems is using the analogue stick on my XB360 to be fair...a good controller for FPS, but for pro evo it is a no no...I have considered buying a PS3 for this reason, until I read that the PS3 version is worse! Oh I long for the days where I could use a PS2 converter on my XB or PC, but unless someone knows different, it is not possible on the 360.
Now, I know my review is not a review as such, I could go on about how the players look realistic up close, but not so when at distance. I could go on about the pitch textures being poor. I could tell you about the commentary being much better, apart from Mark Lawrenson sounding like he is reading from a poor script, but you can read all that elsewhere. What I wanted to say, to tell anyone who knows about pro evo, is that the sprinkle of angel dust does not come with this game as it has before.
Poor show Konami. Poor show. This game is dead.