In my opinion PES 08 is the most complete Pro Evo there is.
People say this game hasnt changed the series at all and to be honest yeah I think that is true but it isnt a bad thing, what I think they have done this year is tweaked the game to make it nearly perfect, in the past the games always had something annoying about them silly foul decisions, late offside decisions bad presentation and not very good graphics.
This year the graphics look great and realistic the best in any PES game bar none and the players likeness in their appearence is also good, they have also slightly cut down the silly fouls but the late offsides are still in slightly but that doesnt bother me. The menu presentation is no longer cheesey I dont think and they have brought in some licensed tracks to make it sound better also.
The gameplay is as good as ever and I think it might be slighly even better this year, people say the game had sped up and it has an arcadey feel to it but I dont think this is true to me PES08 still plays he beautiful game as we know it. The AI is as good as ever and I dont think Fifas AI doesnt get close to it.
So basically yeah this game is a bit more of an upgrade than a new game but its a great upgrade it is PES perected without any problems that the series had in the past.