A very low amount of teams
Well i decided to rent this game and i could not be more horrified, all style but no substance, You get about 8 teams to play with and few stadiums. Most teams are missing from here and makes it worth nothing, I'd rather play FIFA than this junk. The graphics are great, yes. The gameplay is good. But lacks content to the extreme. You will spend more time looking for your team than you will playing. Until you realise your favourite club isn't there. Half of the players look stupid and unrealistic. You get the odd top player looking good on it, like all Pro evo games. The rest have no effort put into them whatsoever. They need licencing to make a good game. Seriously Pro evo. Just give up now while you can. If it was made with more teams it would have been better. But it just sucks. Also its very unrealistic and players are as thick as planks. Literally. So just buy FIFA as they can licence things. And your favourite team will be in it, FIFA wins by a long shot.
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