Improves in some areas but other areas are too irritating to make this an 10/10 game.
For example, one thing that bothered me the most is no matter what (on more diffult levels) the ball will always end up in the feet of the enemy. If I tackle the enemy and no foul is called, and the ball just stays there, and I run up to get the ball, either a player on the enemy's team gets some kind of adrenaline boost and make it faster to the ball, or my player seems to run around the ball and it ends up in the enemy's possession.
Another thing is the commentary, since I can't play music while playing I have to listen to the commentary and it's incredibly repetetive. I'm not sure, but I honestly believe that it's the same exact commentary from Pro Evo 08.
Now the shooting in this game is ridiculous, a small tap on the shooting button (the square button) could mean the ball will fly many feet above the top goal post while a strong hold on the square button could sometimes mean a gentle kick which will easily fall into the hands of the goalie.
Now if you have friends to play this game with, it's probably one of the most entertaining games in any genre, but playing against the AI is ridiculously difficult and extremely frustrating.