What Konami to that soccer game we all loved so much!?
-Master League: When that company will understand that people want real money in Master League, not PES Credits!? And in fact, Master League is the same than other versions. You dont have sponsors, what the players feel cares for nothing... Its just terrible. And the worst: Thats the best mode you can find in this game.
-Defense: Well, its quite crappy, your defense retreats like rugby players, in a line, never marking. Its really annoying.
-AI: Especially friendlies. Man those guys are stupid. if you are advancing with your right-back, never, ever, expect your right-midfielder to advance so you can send him a long pass. He'll just walk at your side. If you advance with a midfielder, your forwards will just wait, and if you are close to the goal, they simply withdrawl to the back. They really dont think that im football, people can pass over goalkeepers and that stuff.
-Difficulty: This game is so easy that maybe a 3-year old kid can win games on five stars. And thats not because AI plays bad. In fact, they do some awesome moves and tricks, and alot of times they can easily be alone with your keeper. The problem is, they just shoot the ball from outside the area, in the middle of the goal , right in the hands of the goalkeeper. they never really try to do a trick to take out the keeper, or approach a little more, its just ridiculous.
-Online Play: Almost impossible. Laggy as hell, its just sad when you see that FIFA can put 20 people in the same match. And it works perfectly.
-Judge: That guy simply ignores some terrible fouls on you, and sometimes you barely touch an AI player: PIIIIIIII - foul.
-Become A Legend: FIFA Copy. Still, your player starts really bad and theres lots of training before you join the first team. You get frustrated and tired very quickly.
Good Things: Yes there are some. Few. That, as I said, already were on the previous games. The player movements are as good as before, and the preset faces are much better ( only thing thats actually better ). You got some new signature corner kicks and celebrations, but thats all.
In the end, PES fanboys will most likely ignore people saying the game is bad, but Pro Evolution Soccer is the generally the same. Again. I really hope it changes soon, but Konami gotta want too.