Ok my first review, well I gotta say graphics are well I don't know what do you think, Pro 2008 looked like a PS2 game and this one is a huge difference but I don't know, I mean MGS 4 set the bar on what could be done with a PS3 and well NO game has come to that standard yet but it does look good, and I'm so glad that they fixed that huge bunch of crap of a glitch where if their was more than 9 players in the box your game would stick for about 10 seconds. How they have the nerver to say look at our Champions League mode when they don't include all the teams in that mode, like say what ?..... I rated this game difficulty EASY as all new games it takes some getting use to but after a while you will find yourself unchallenged unless playing human opponents, which will have to be on the same system as online mode is the laggiest piece of crap I have played. Now onto Legend Mode, so really all it is, go into System Settings-Controller Settings-and set your cursor settings to fixed, but throughout the whole season with some personal acclompishments. Pro 2009 ? that 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6, 2008 and 2009, still unlicenced teams, c'mon..... sort this out I'm sick of going into editor every new game and having to change names and doing transfers....still to some all this up, it does put a smile on my face, the defence has really shaped up no more running from you box to the other and scoring, it has shaped up tactically. For me to give this anything above a 9 in any other of the series get the full thing licenced, sort out online mode and make the AI super intelligent.
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 is a continuation in the long running, soccer sim series, but doesn't fully capitalise on the previous game's set backs. ------------------------------------------- GAMEPLAY - 2/5 ---------... Read Full Review
the PES series has never let me down. i used to be a FIFA guy (about 6-7 years ago) but after playing my first PES i never turned back. definitely KONAMI has made a lot of improvemnets from their last title. although i... Read Full Review