Considering Buying New Pro?
User Rating: 8.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS3
Im a die hard pro evo fan,I have had every Pro since it's came out. The graphics are much better then the last pro the online has improved but still isnt great,the game-play has improved the defending is much better you carn't just get one fast player eg(ronaldo,messi,ect)and run all the way to the opponents goal and tap it in,the new champions league mode is great. But still after 7 years now i think,only 2 licened teams in the premier league is a joke im sick of having to change the names of clubs every time the new pro comes out. It can get quite boring easy unless like me you and your brother start a league and play each other.(I own him everytime)but still no matter how bad pro get's i will still always buy it,could never change now especially to fifa. Ive got one thing to say Pes 6 owns pure and simple.