Well well well... so this is Pes 09....

User Rating: 7.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS3
Ill state the good and the bad


---Graphically it has nothing less than Fifa 09. Honestly I do not understand why Fifa 09 is so appreciated graphics wise.

---Its Pro Evo!

--- Realistic goalkeepers are still very good but wont hold the ball so often when a shots comes at them, just like in real life. They make very good saves but they all push them away on the side like a good goalie would do

--- Better online mode, much less lag.

--- Proper tough to play vs computers and you generally score less goals.

--- Refs are badasses and they will punish you especially online.

--- You can quickly change all the unofficial logos of Liga and Premier league to original names and shirts. Download someone elses option file and it will be all there. Ask me how its really simple for ps3. Worth doind unless you want to play with Yorkshire orange

--- Feels realistic overall, much more so than Fifa, where players may feel softer and easier to move around, but still Pes feels and looks more real.


--- Champions league mode is alright but it still feels half baked

--- Goalies are so good which can get frustrating... depends how you want to look at it.

--- Players take initiative and start tackling your opponent ( more than the previous versions) even if you didnt ask them to do so. Not good cause they will 80% of the times foul the opposition and get yellowed. Even red. Happens at least once a game.

--- Online mode feels unresponsive. You want a player to chase the opponent and by the time he actually moves the opponent is already past you. It also seems easier to score online which may be good or bad.

--- Exaggerated thud of the ball

--- Some players like Messi and Cr7 are too good in my opinion.

--- Its the same old pro evo nothing new !!!!