Looks pretty but yet again FIFA has overtaken it in game play, graphics, realism, soundtrack, and the list goes on. For £40 its not worth it, The only thing they have over FIFA is the UEFA licensing, and that really isn't that important. I'll give it a 3 for still having nice graphics and for making the effort to show up to the party but Nothing more... Its unfortunate that this market has been ruled by FIFA. I don't think there is place for more than one top Football game these days. FIFA beat PES to the release post, and I can't see how PES will recover. Maybe next year!
I have never liked the Menu system used in PES, its too arcade like, Its the same with some of the game play, it feels like playing Italia 90 again. I'm not sure what is the next step in the Evolution of football games but PES need to find it before FIFA
Other Helpful Reviews for Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Miguel Rodriguez - When someone says that PES 2009 hasn't changed so much, you have to agree. But, does any coach changes his team after a win? Clearly not. Firstly, what does PES 2009 have that the last year's PES does... Read Full Review
This game is much better then last years version. The AI is much more attentive and makes scoring goals are the more satisfying. The computer opponents act so realistic in their passing, defending, and scoring that I oft... Read Full Review