Stupid AI. Comp cheating problem is too serious. Date is not up-to-date

User Rating: 4 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PSP
The AI is really bad. You can run past any world-class defender with a normal player by simply using feint or R2. Teammates stay behind opponents and seldom move to empty places.

Comp cheating problem is too serious. AI opponent has a 70-80% chance to score from a corner if player is leading.

The data is once again not up-to-date and some good players in reality do not have good attributes in PES2009.

The only improvements I can find are the graphics and it's now more difficult to score and comp opponents can keep the ball longer. "Become a legend" mode is quite impressive. But I am still disappointed that PES2009 presents a teamwork game as a one-man game. You don't need any teamwork to win.

I have been a fan of this series for several years. But the little improvements let me down again. Hopefully the next generation would be impressive.