suprising ups and downs

User Rating: 5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PC
when i first got this game i thought it was a great game as the graphics are amazing by comparison to the previous and the gameplay was different, i put the difficulty to not enough practice the game boast better interception of the ball and better physics of the ball, however now i can say the off the ball movement is shockingly slow and frustrating when the computer has instant reactions, passing and through balling usually goes to the wrong player when another player makes far more sense, the amount of times i've seen players come to my player and bump into him why on earth do they do that, and many of the players you want to pass to that are ahead of you just stand still when u and everyone behind is moving forward, i've only ever seen a keeper hold onto a shot twice and the difficulty settings are brutal its now become too frustrating to play. the previous version was far more responsive