Be Come Legend Mode

User Rating: 8 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS3
I played Winning Eleven series "the Original name for the Game" on PS until PSE2009 on PS3 > I notice that PES releases missed up with something most of the times like:

*player names
*In game Play > Try to play trough loop in PES 2008 is much harder than 2009 release which can be done perfectly
With even weak players?!
* In PSE2009 I got so many silly Goals scores because the ball pass the goal keeper like he is transparent "it happen in older releases but not that much"

***let me talk about the good things about the Konami Football game "I don't know did I have to call it Wining Eleven or PES"

**the Control is so sharp
**the game play harder each time "that one of the things I like the most about the PES or WE"
**the Auto skills or the special skills for some players like turn the running side
** Be come Legend mode which I spend most of my time in that release on it. Give you the chance to start as young player to become Hero in the field but unfortunately there isn't any way you could create defense player

Over all to me I think the game play is Konami football games is much realistic so any football addict will like it ^_^