Still the poor cousin to Fifa

User Rating: 5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 X360
The PES games have always been as good if not better than the FIFA games for gameplay but they have also always been let down by the lack of team & player licenses. PES 2009 is no different I'm afraid. Gameplay as always is pretty good and the "become a legend" mode is a great addition but once again, it is very badly let down by the lack of leagues and the astounding lack of team licenses. Sorry but I just dont want to be playing for "Man Blue" or "London Reds". The franchise has been going for a long time now and they really should have the proper licences by now.

All in all, a decent game that is totally spoiled by what has been highlighted above. I would say, stick to FIFA, until the PES team can get that sorted. There is not that much between the two games on gameplay but FIFA wipes the floor with PES when it comes to Leagues and Team details.