Where's the overhaul seabass promised? If any, what were the improvements?
But what do gamers like me does in the end? We purchase both Fifa and PES and make a decision on which is better, we keep it and dispose off the other.
PES2008 was a disappointment, Ps2 graphics coupled with Ps2 game engine, coupled with framerate issue. There's just no excuse for konami at that time, so seabass apologized for the poor efford and promised us an overhaued PES next year, so now we have PES2009 but like PES2008, there wasn't much improvements to the game, graphics have improved but still looks semi Ps2.
The game engine doesn't appears to have changed, i started PES since WE6, what i notice is that they only add some improvements every year, but despite that it was still a great game of soccer as fifa was a letdown. But now we have the next-gen, overhauled fifa08, and now an excellent fifa09. So have PES upp the competition by giving us a better game of soccer?
Graphics looks almost as good as fifa09 on the pitch, but fifa09 still has an edge over it due to better looking stadiums, smoother animations and higher resolution picture. One major improvement is the look of the grass, it feels more realife.
Player modelling looks great, but like fifa09, some looks off and some look surprisingly good. But on the whole, it needs better player animations, the players looks stiff especially a close-in after goal.
Stadiums looks on-par but definately better than PES08, still lacking compared to fifa which has more details in each stadium.
This is the section where many claims that PES has an edge over Fifa these years, well it's true only until PS3 came out. Fifa08 had made significant changes whereas PES on the other hand player about the same but with annoying implements. Konami really should hear fan's comments/suggestions and turn them into improvements.
Goalkeeper for one, reacts slow to the ball, often they do not save goals that can be saved, like not stretching out to save a goal. The gloves looks like work gloves, white and thick and really seems absurd close-up. Gks also tend to make saves that has already goaled. All these might make the GK looks lousy, but on the bright side, having more goals means having more fun.
Dribbling for one is, another failure implementation. Instead of using right analog stick, they mapped the buttons for dribbling all over the control, casuing confusions, and at the same time, they are almost redundant as the scripted AI only avoids a dribbling player.
Passing around the ball created chances for shots, but very often shots are an indication of your luck. Your controller could be holding the right direction, the right power but sometimes it gives u a shot on target and sometimes a wide shot. Compared to fifa, corners are more exciting as they're easier to score in PES.
One last thing to mention is the reaction of the players, they seems to react slow, whether after you've had a shot, a header or free-kick, even the goalkeeper seems to take a second to recover from a coma-like. Not only does this makes the game frustrating, it also make you angry by having a missed chance to have a goal.
PES's gameplay isn't bad, just that it's getting too old for it's fans, sure it could lure new player in with the great gameplay but for people who started since PS1, it has turned old in gameplay and graphics are medicore.
Poor commentary by the two commentators, often repeated and annoying lines. Sometimes they even sound awkward. Konami on this part certainly would do better but they would rather save the money to smoke.
Ball-kicking sounds absurd, it's so loud as if you're punching a wall. The music remains as cheesy as ever, they don't really complement a soccer game and it's time they import some modern songs in.
PES2009 solves the probles they had in PES2008 technically, PE09 should have been PES08. The gameplay remains the same, unchanged and virtually no improvements and maybe deprovements by adding diving that works only 10% of the time.
PES2009 did well, but just not good enough to match current Fifa's standard. Pick whichever one you like more, but my verdicts remains that PES is still second on the field.