PES2009 falls behind FIFA once again and really needs a complete upgrade to the dated formula.
+Great controll
+UEFA Champions League
-Lacks alot of licesenses
-Become a legend mode is boring
-Horribly dated graphics
-Weak sound
This years eddition to the PES series falls behind EA Sport's FIFA series. It still brings some solid gameplay but the series really is falling behind FIFA.
PES2009 has great controll though it's smooth and makes the game easy to pick up and play. Also this time they have the offical UEFA Champions League license were you can compete in the tournerment with all the proper sponsers and TV style presentaton.
The first problem with PES2009 and always has been with all the games is the licenses. Only 2 teams in the enitre english league are licesensed and there are no lower leagues in this game, so there are nowere near as much teams as FIFA 09. Still you can change the names of teams in the edit mode like Chelsea are called "London FC". Also the become a legend mode is a complete snooze fest, its nowere near as good as FIFA's Be a Pro mode. Don't bother trying it.
But PES2009's biggest issue lies in the presentation, to say the least its bad. For a start PES2009's graphics are dated to no exstent making it look like a 360 game that came out in 2006. Also player animations are repeted again that look clunky and seriously need an improvment, and player models themselves are pretty bad to. The sound is also weak, the audio is passable, the comentary is not to bad although they repate themselves quite often.
PES2009 isn't a terrible game it just seems dated and the gameplay, sound and grpaihcs need a huge improvment to even compete with FIFA. So which one to get this year? PES 2009? No. FIFA 09? deffinatly.