Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 is a big disappointment.A lot of bugs on psp version and it's not worth your time.

User Rating: 2.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PSP
For me, PES series on PSP was always better than Fifa.The latter had awful sprites running instead of players and movements were disastrous.While PES had fantastic Graphics and physics for a handheld.But the more i play it,the more it seriously annoys me.I mean, Konami didn't bother making a great game,its the same PES 6 with a little more teams added.Why would i want to play this?The hardest difficulty isn't that hard and playing against cpu gets boring after short time.

Then we come to the wireless part.This function appears to be the best what PES on PSP can offer.but we are mistaking here.This is where all bugs come to place.Half of the players use crazy lag cheats and if you can outscore them somehow,they will force a "connection to other user lost" thing and you will lose the game even though you have perfect connection.Sometimes when you tackle somebody and the ball is rolling on the floor you cant even take it because when you move thumbstict into that direction your player goes to the other and it all ends in the opposing force re-taking the possession.The goalkeeping script is disastrous,they don't do nothing close to reality,sometimes the ball just slips like soap in ridiculous situations.You start noticing bugs only after long hours of play when they get repetitive.And defending,well i managed to score with a goalkeeper passing all defenders trying to stop me.Ever saw that in real life?

All in all,the game isnt worth your money unless something is done in the future versions.

Graphics: 9
Music: 0 (what music,theres the same melody looping all over again)
Gameplay: 3 (remove the bugs)