this game sucks ..............
PES 09 on the otherhand is the only game i have given 1/10 to. this is because the the game sucks! slow and unacurate passing, poor finishing and worst of all the online play still sucks. Konami have got a big proplem with online play because MGS4 lacked online. Players do not look real and gameplay very slow.
Defence....well no matter which highley skilled player you might have if you come within 10 yards of a defender you have lost it....the ball...your witsand any sanity you may have!!
All players have absolutely no chance what soever of having any control over the ball when they receive it i mean they may kick it in any random direction upon receiving the ball no matter who they are and any defending players will suddenly develope into Pele the moment they come within 100 yards of your team.
your attackers will shoot like American soildiers that is to hit any target that is 100meters away from your goal and midfield will play like crack addicts during cold turkey!!!
Strikers may as well be without feet or legs as they consistantly hit row Z with their many and varied comedy strikes.
Have konami utterly lost the plot?!?!?!
we used to have a payable arcady football game now we have a frustrating waste of it no wonder they can't give away these discs at only $30!!
it is impossible to score except from a corner ...from which i score so frequently we have renamed it "goalner" all the fun has been sapped from it and i personally have simply used the disc as a coaster...which it failed at just as miserably as it did as a game and spilled my drink all over my coffee table.
in short .....avoid this game like your syphalitic uncle...(the one with the bad breath) and buy any game other than this ....i could go on but i'm so mad imight break my keyboard!!! if i could give it a 0/10 i would. BUY FIFA 09