Fun gameplay, medium graphics.
The game system created by Konami for the previous edition of PES for Wii, based on direction of the players by using the arrow pointer to Wiiremote was improved in this version, even with its small defects. But it can be seen clearly that the model of control is in progress when compared to both the previous PES on the rival FIFA 2009, which control "strange" is almost identical to that of PES 2008.
The main difference will be felt in control when you're with your team on defense. You can control the label with the Nunchuck's analog and use the "Z" to the mark under pressure. And both can use the previous mode, where you direct the marker with the pointer of Wiiremote the player with the ball. Another novelty is the direct kick, which in theory is a great idea, but in practice has the same quality of a penalty levied by Edmundo. You can hold the "B" and point the direction in which the player must kick the ball, but does not always work as it should. It is difficult to locate exactly the place you where you want to kick the goal, resulting in several kicks out. And the "B" is the button to play the ball, many times you face to face with the goalkeeper and just playing to another player. And this is only realistic if your attacker is Obino.
So in the end, you almost always end up kicking shaking the Nunchuk, the same as in last year's edition. It also added a way to play with the Wiiremote bed, where you run with the "B", comes with "1", crosses with the "2" and shaking the kick control. It is a good idea, but it gives impression that buttons are missing, especially for those already familiar with PES in other consoles. And the kick with the movement in control impairs a little. You can also play with the Classic Controller, but that takes all the free air strategy that the mode of control is proposed by Konami for the game.
The main lure of the game is the UEFA Champions League, which is represented in its entirety, with the same format and teams, and even with that musiquinha "the champioooooons ...", something that is very good it comes to PES, as these international competitions that usually have their license transferred to EA and FIFA series. The Konami has done a good job, counting also with the classical modes expected in all the PES, as the Master League (strangely absent last year), Cups, Leagues, among others.
For the casual, the game also provides a way with players like Miis, which is simply a disgrace. If the mode of the FIFA 2009 game with Miis appeared with cheat codes for blackcap player with the PSOne, it is in PES 2009. In the game of the EA at least there was a concern to make fields, players and their elements in order to cartunesca this way, but in the Konami, not that. Totally unnecessary.
Graphically we have the standard of what we have seen in the series in the last two or three years, with a few details corrected or improved. In the inevitable comparison with FIFA 2009, the players are still very hard, although a slight improvement, mainly in the goalkeeper. But in the end we still have graphics that were processed by the PlayStation 2 in 2007. The noise part is also very similar to the previous year. The songs are new, but the narration gives the impression of being at least equal to 85% in 2008. This lack of updated graphics and sounds is not entirely bad, since they are reasonably good for the standards of the Wii, but lets face the game with a simple update with patches of the game the previous year, which is quite negative.
The online mode is good and easy to connect (although there are few), but suffers from a lag, which, while not preventing the game, it's annoying sometimes.
This annual update of the Pro Evolution Soccer Konami gave a corrected problems found in key controls in the previous version. It is great fun and even innovative. The addition of UEFA Champions League was very welcome and performed competently. Although the graphics and movement of the players are already becoming outdated and needing urgent renewal (and the noise), PES 2009 is still a good option for fans of virtual soccer.