The game is always the same thing, it's fun, but the errors are always the same.
User Rating: 9 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS3
The game is always the same thing, it's fun, but the errors are always the same. The players bug's sometimes, the hand fault doesn't exists in the game, and we cant control the keeper(just him, it would be very cool, one of the things i would add to the game). It's good, but not expetacular. The professional/top player difficult its still easy, and the most easy it's too easy. I love the graphics, its look awesome. I think Fifa have great thinks, but its not better thans PES, because PES have better graphics. I dont like the type that we have to do to dribble, and i prefer the Playstation 2 way. I love that "thing" that it updates almost everyday(unleast in my Playstation 3) It's not the best, but it can be better, and it mighty be in PES 2010.
Oh, i love the design in the menu and the others things.