The Then and Now
Back then, during the Ps2 era PES simply rocked the house and only made changes or updates on teams rosters and added a few license teams or leagues, and that was it...simply because they rellied on their flowing game engine and gameplay which made this game simply awesome, no matter how engaging was the manager mode in fifa. The horrible NOW, shows that does days of not sweating that much to make a great game since the competitor at the time was not up to par, have brought a HUGE issue when it comes to actually innovating or like they like to call it, "Evolution". The free flowing gameplay is totally rusted and broken down into major glitches and errors (minute 15 and pass the ball from one defender to another defender who is beside him, and 90% of the times the ball will end up upfield and out of bounds, why?), and he whole experience feels re-packaged and entirely boring.
This games graphics are....well PS2. No more to add here. The gameplay well horrendeous issues everywhere...remember when people said back then "fifa looks as if the players ran like bunnies"? well look who is running like bunnies now. Damn what happend? all players move the same way, the ball feels like it weights 200 pounds, but incredibly enough, I scored a scorching headder goal, and the header was taken from outside the BOX! So, is this the idea of arcade to the developers of PES? if it is, dude it sucks!
The sound as always a total fluke and menus are as awful as ever. The legend mode is a lame excuse for this PES to justify the fact. Yes, we all know that back then, the only footie game were you could play as a single player on the pitch was PES. But NOW, Fifa has taken this idea and turn it into a major plus for them...and half the world out there believes it was their innovation. That´s what happens when you think you are the top and the bottom can never be reached.
So, did i played legend mode, hell no! why not? as you and i know the major beef of PES is Master League. Back then and still is NOW, no other footie game provides the freedom of creating your own team with your own colors and your own logo and all that. So even thought it has less options than before to edit or make your own team, it´s still cool and refreshing to do something like that. Problem is, it´s the boring! You know what you have to do and what not, so there is nothing new or bold to actually make you stay interested. Plus, fewer options don´t help the cause either.
With that said, if Back then the crown jewel of PES was Master League, and NOW it´s been blown to bits, what makes you think i would torture myself and try the legends mode? man, am just angry at this poor attempt.
In the end FIFA has totally outdone in every major aspect the PES games. FIFA made thousands of mistakes back then and it´s applying the corrections just NOW. It will take a HUGE change in direction to turn peoples heads back to PES as FIFA has set the Standard for footie games from now on.
I am a fanboy of BOTH games...but PES2009 is just an insult...they have evolved this game to utter poop! Am an angry fan, hurt by the poor effort this developer has put on to this game, and should really get their head out of their behind and start doing things right...think for a minute, imagine if both FIFA and PES were, it would be awesome...NOW due to poor quality and lack of ideas, am not even bothering to get back THEN FIFA with their manager mode and whole bunch of weird options at least made or tried to bring fresh ideas to a game that lacked great gameplay. PES 09, brings a headache as a fresh idea.
And in the end, FIFA has finally stomped the living crap out of PES. Whomever says otherwise, clearly is a fanboy of PES. I am a fanboy of both games, as i LOVE FOOTBALL, and i must say PES has really flushed down the toilett for me. As Mr.Trump would say, Seabass you are fired! Of course you are not, but you should...Then you said pro-EVOLUTION soccer, while NOW we must say, pro-DEVALUATION soccer.