Gamespot is so shamelessly in bed with EA it has become a joke.
Some REALLY glaring issues about this game prevent a higher score (Ref and keeper AI is truly broken). The game has become more realistic, which means that you have to relearn simple things like ball control and passing. Once this is done, you are treated to some truly blissful football action. Gone are the days of running down the pitch with a single overrated player. The problem is the casual football gamer needs this, otherwise they become bored. Luckily for them there is FIFA, which is not meant to be a dig in any way. FIFA serves it's purpose for people who don't understand the beautiful game, and just want to do some tricks with Ronaldo and score 30 yards goals. Fun, but then again so is Gears of War. So go play that.
PES is above all else genius, and it still feels like football more than anything else on the market.