WORST PES EVER!! THIS IS A JOKE, they said is engineered for fredom but is so far of that. gameplay is a fake, u could make some videos for youtube's failblog. BAD really bad online experience, it make matches even when the ping is bad is impossible to play that way. referee sucks, faults really sucks, every time the player is attempting to faceplant with the floor. The Couch mode...please!!! there is a lot more soccer in a para-olympic match. formation fails too... really disapointed, a waste of time and money. Linking feints is for Pro Fantasy Evolution. Replay camera, was much better last year, to limited, and the in-game camera wants to be like tv cameras making a delay when ball go fast.For KONAMI, I think the costumer deserves more respect, this is really an insult. Did you really "engineered" this game?Did they do beta testing?? I don't think so. Poor PES2007, if he could speak, do u remember it? In one word, this game FAILS!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
First of all, let me say this: i'm one of those players that yells at the computer when things are really frustrating. I've played every PES since PES 5, and i never got so frustrated like i get with this one. In term... Read Full Review
I have played the game many hours.I've read to many reviews stating that a great football sim. To me its a total disappointing attempt.Great graphics,ok.Then great presentation,fine.Much more fluid animation,carry on.wh... Read Full Review