This is a game for just about everyone, regardless your age, sex, or even operating system.

User Rating: 8.5 | Professor Fizzwizzle PC

As a linux user, I first learned about the company and the game through Linux Journal. The interview motivated me to download the demo and give it a try. Within minutes, I was in love with the game.

Your mission is to navigate the professor through difficult terrain and obstacles to get from point A to point B. It's a brain teasing puzzle that offers infinite amount of fun.

Over all, there is nothing spectacular about the game. Plus the lack of rewind button is extremely frustrating, since it can potentially punish you to restart the level for smallest mistake. However, as a whole, everything just fits in perfectly: the story, the graphic, the animation, the music, and I mean just about everything.

It has been a while since I last saw a well designed puzzle like this. I will seriously recommend every puzzle lover to at least try out the demo. After all, when was the last time you find a game that suitable for everyone in your family, and runs across on all three different operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux)?