Great Puzzles.
The Good:
This game has a story. It would be easy for any publisher to throw together a bunch of puzzles and call it a video game. In fact some do! What I feel sets this game apart from others in this genre, is the fact that there is a story that keeps you interested and involved. Usually games that are released for the Nintendo DS are branded/marketed toward children and young adults. I was surprised at the difficulty of some of these puzzles. The puzzles are formulated around the types of questions you would see on a MENSA exam. Almost all puzzles in the game made me think, and that is a good thing. (I am a research scientist, and puzzles are my thing) With that said, I don't know who the target audience for this game is supposed to be. The story boards, effective use of the touch screen, and replay value all set the puzzle standard pretty high.
The Bad:
There is always something to complain about. Personally I find the puzzles the perfect difficulty, but I rated this game Very Hard difficulty level. When you compare this game to other DS games, well it is very hard. I can image many young adults having a great deal of difficulty, to the point of frustration with many of these puzzles, since they have yet to take basic math such as geometry. I could also poke at the story a bit. The puzzles do not exist to help you solve any mysteries, they pretty much stand on their own.
Overall I have a good taste in my mouth after playing this game. Wireless download of new weekly puzzles is a great idea (though not difficult enough for me).