See if you can solve this puzzle?
Of course, I'd put on my earphones, to listen to those short movies. That's really one of the plus points out of the Layton series. The game is a true story and it shows by putting in some little movies.
So, Layton & Luke were up again to solve a mystery! I was excited to start playing this game. Also, this game referred to the story of the previous game. I was honestly happy to see Flora travelling along.
Not only do characters of the previous Layton return, it was also part of the mystery.
A LOT of things happen.
Though I have to be honest it wasn't really exciting, until the very end when they reached the last town.
The puzzles were all entertaining. Sometimes I would seriously laugh at my dumb answers, knowing how simple it could be. To me it's a pity, if a puzzle repeats itself in different levels of difficulty. Once is really enough for me.
What I do love about this story also, that there's also a touching story behind it all. It's just that little extra, that made me go 'aww'.
The extras in the game, the hamster, the tea thing ... I really made an effort to complete these too. The extras were there to entertain you with some little more thinking & puzzling. Do you honestly think it's easy to brew a nice tea? I got disappointed a lot for brewing the wrong tea! (Poor Layton & Luke...)
What's more about the extras? I actually am that curious, that I love to read peoples diaries ...
Conclusion: Lovely puzzles, lovely little animated movies, lovely story ... But the story couldn't top the previous one.