The best game so far in the professor layton series. "Isn't it obvious?"
There are litterally only two bad things about this game. A. Most of the puzzles seem either to easy or to hard. B. When you first think you've reached the end of the game... you haven't.
In the unwound futur the character of professor layton is far better develoved and we finally get to find out what Don pablos grudge against him is. Yes this game is as... what's the word i'm looking for. Zanny/ As it's predisessors. There are elements that make you think "Okay... really?" But if you've stuck with the professor this long they've grown on you and some of there stunts seem even more clever than before. Like I said several puzzles seem either to easy or to hard but a few are really quite clever and are solvable without putting more than a hour into a single puzzle. (there was one that did take me an hour and a half before I finally looked up the answer online, shame on me.) The animation seems much better done in this one than the others and for once we get to see london which is quite nice. (I'm going to miss the animation for this when it is released for the 3ds, as I under stand they aren't hand drawn.) There was one part of the story that seemed rather thrown in there but by the end you can apreciate it as it leaves a potential sequel open. (not a prequil, they're making those.)
It's nice to see cameos of other characters from other games and with this one the over all mystery seems more solvable, I guessed at somethings and managed to get a few right. If you are a fan of puzzles GET THIS GAME! If youare a fan of professor layton you should already have it.