I have yet to find a DS game that captivates and immerses me more than Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
Story: I thought it was impossible for a portable game to have such an excellent story. You get emotionally attached to every main character, and the story takes so many amazing twists and turns that your head will be spinning by the end of it. I was choking up by the end of it. A video game has NEVER done that to me, let alone a portable one. The story doesn't really pick up until more towards the end, but when it does, it never lets go.
Gameplay: If you've played a Professor Layton game before, you will immediately be familiar with this entry. It plays a lot like a point and click adventure game. You use the touch screen on the DS to investigate different areas. In these areas, you will find puzzles and hint coins. The puzzles are challenging, but hint coins make them not impossible, and you really get a huge sense of satisfaction when you solve a puzzle on your own.
Final Thoughts: Buy this game, it's amazing!