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*-csiGREGGOcsi- Blog

After a long journey in the desert to find myself, I've finally returned!

I have a secret. The desert I speak of was in fact not a desert: but a cleverly designed hallucination brought up by my brain to absorb me and keep me sane after months of tv reruns and painful anticipation for the new episodes that had still months to be aired. Now that I've seen the, NCIS, CSI and Criminal Minds premiers (in that order), my mind muscles are finally unclenching and I'm back in the game! I won't say that I am not still an obsessive-compulsive freak (I have a message written on my mirror in giant Mr. Sketch letters counting down the days until the airing of the CSI episode: Fannysmacking that I update every day), but my nerves are somewhat calm and though school gats in the way you may be hearing more from me now. Lucky you. Anywho, I'm sick, I'm tired and I've got school tomorrow, so adios!

                   -With hearty farewells and terms of endearment, 



The Consequences of Urban Life

Hola Gazpacho! Well it's five minutes to midnight, twenty-four degrees Celsius(outside) and like thirty inside in the fair city of Edmonton tonight. Hurrah for the city of Champions huh? Alright four minutes to midnight. I'm actually very tired, but I can't sleep, sooooooooo............ Here's a story for anyone out there who has ever wanted to kill someone or has just enjoyed watching other people do that sort of thing on CSI or Criminal Minds or one of the many other crime dramas available to anyone with cable, satellite, digital cable, a library with Internet access and so on and so on. So here we go:

   Many years ago in a small urban living room, in a small urban house, in a small urban town in a country run over by tyrants who claimed to be democratically elected officials called politicians, in a medium-small sized apparently blue coloured planet, lived a man and his wife. The man loved his wife. They had a son. The son grew up and went to college, earned a nice degree in engineering, became very successful and moved to Milwaukee for some reason. After he left, his father killed his mother and was sent to prison for life. The son went to visit his father (it's now midnight(i mean here right now, not in the story)) and asked him why he had killed his wife, the son's mother. The father answered that he was very angry at him for moving away. The son then asked why he killed the mother instead of killing him. the father answered "Well... you were all the way in Milwaukee." And so we learn that laziness is nothing but trouble. I hope you all remember this story when you don't want to drag yourself off the couch.

Well.... I think that was pretty good for a midnight improvised story, don't you. Anyways, thanks for listening... reading... Yeah it was great! I hope I didn't kill off too many of your brain cells there. Goodnight! Good morning! Good whatever-other-time-it-may-be-where-you-live-at-this-moment!

                                                         -CGC. Or you could just call me Sam

P.S. Gazpacho is like a cold tomato soup for those of you who were curious.

Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday! Yay!




Yeah that's it.

No really, I'm done.



P.S. Domo Arigoto and Buenos Diaz!

This is so pointless!

All right this blog will serve one purpose: you can learn a bit about me. Yay! What lucky people you are! Anywho, I am a humble fifteen year-old (well I will be tomorrow) Canadian chick. I like to read more than watch TV, but don't hold that against me. I am also a gigantic nerd which is obviously the reason I'm obsessed with shows like CSI and Criminal Minds (my two favourites) and show particular adoration towards Greg Sander and Special Agent Doctor Spencer Reid (Man I love saying that name!). Yeah... I can't help that I'm a genius. Ooooh... I also love Broadway and all other kinds of musical theatre. So to all you Rentheads, Wicked obsessors, Bat Boy freaks, Phantom of the Opera devotes and Aida lovers I am with you! Crap! My toast is on fire! I have to get my old frilly dress out and carry my piranhas to safety! I'll be back once the vet has declared my lungs smoke free!