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Avatar and Star Wars

So Sozin's Comet came on Saturday night, right? Well, I watched it (of course) and Sunday afternoon I watched Star Wars 3. So I'm sitting there all into the movie when Darth Sidious (that's his name, right?) shoots lightning at one of the Jedi Nights. I almost jump out of my seat yelling, "Redirect it! Redirect it! Oh...wait." Then I remembered I was watching Star Wars and not Avatar...oh well.

Tucker Invaded My Dream the Other Night

I really don't feel like going into the whole dream, so I'll just describe the part Tucker was there. Okay, so me, my dad and stepmom, my brother, my aunt, and Tucker went to this amusement park. We saw this blue rollarcoster and me, my brother, and Tucker deicded to get on it. I was still trying to make up my mind on whether or not I wanted to ride it when we got on, so I didn't put my seat buckle on. Neither did Tucker or my brother.

So, the first part was harmless and it just rode around on the ground, but when we got to the hill it got scary. None of us were buckled up so, my legs were flying out of the seat, Tucker was holding onto the headrest and was about to fly out, and my brother was doing the same. We were really scared, but it was still fun. We got off, talked about how fun it was, then Tucker disappeared.

The dream went on but I don't have time to go into anything else. I'm about to have to go to my next class. See ya!

You know you're totally bored when...

You are sitting in the office at school (I'm an office aid 3rd period; yay!) and you are simply surfing the web.  Then, you suddenly remember you have an account on and you decide to pop back and see what's going on.  That's when you get the crazily stupid idea to post a meaningless blog...ha!  That's so me.

Back to School

So, today was my first day back to school. I've made it to the eigth grade. (Yayness!) And I'm so happy because none of my teachers seem like their the mean type and I have one totally cooky teacher I can't wait to hit the school year off with. The only really bad thing is that I have no classes with my cousin. (not yayness.) :( And my brother started Middle School today so I'm totally playing the role of "Overprotecive Sister" And last, I already learned four interesting facts today: 1. Stewardess is the longest word you type only using your left hand. 2. A hippo can run faster than a man. 3. A goldfish as the memory span of 3 seconds. 4. About 10,000 people have your birthday. Props if you already know these things, but I found them interesting.


Alright, in my family I'm expected to never get anything (like a joke or something). But one day me and my family were eating supper and my aunt tells this joke that I really don't get. So I'm not the only one at the table not laughing, I start laughing. A few minutes pass and my dad asks me if I thought that was funny and I respond by saying, "I didn't get it. I just laughed becasue everyone else laughed." Well, that sent everyone there into another laughing freenzy except me. When they finally settle down I ask them what it meant and they tell me that there was no meaning, it was just trying to get you to laugh. So now I feel stupid...